
Fill in an application to join the Association here

Members of the Association have the following opportunities:

  • Solve specific problematic issues related to the transfer of transport to natural gas;
  • Find new buyers and suppliers, as well as partners for joint project implementation;
  • Have access to tools to support market participants;
  • Receive information about the latest industry technological developments;
  • Promote your products on the site of the Association;
  • Have access to package offers for potential investors and participate in their development;
  • Participate in improving the regulatory framework, defending the interests of your company;
  • To be represented in the NGV expert community.

Organizations that have joined the Association are actively participating in its activities, including in the work of thematic sections and expert council, public events held by the Association, and pay membership fees annually.

1. The entrance fee is paid once and at a time upon joining the NGV Association. The entrance fee is 100,000 rubles.

3. To ensure the possibility of financial planning of the Association its members inform the Executive Director about the planned date of payment of the membership fee for the corresponding calendar year before its beginning. Membership fees for each calendar year must be paid within the respective calendar year. Billing for payment of membership fees is carried out under the information provided by the members of the Association, and in case of failure to provide information, in January of the corresponding calendar year.

Fill in an application to join the Association and send it to us at web@ngvrus.ru

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